DrNunley's Marketing Tips ezine
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
All new articles! Forward this issue to a friend.
Subscribe at http://DrNunley.com

FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/

How to Battle Copycats

by Kevin Nunley

What do you do when a competitor steals your successful
strategy and starts using it against you?

For example, you offer a popular product at the lowest
price in radio commercials. Your competitor hears you are
racking up the sales and airs his own radio ads. His price is
even lower than yours.

If you're the bigger of the two firms, ignore you competitor.
You probably won't be too off base in figuring many
customers who notice the copycat will realize they're
stealing your ideas.

You can also shift your marketing slightly. Instead of
touting your low price, talk about your speed, service,
friendly employees, and convenient location.

You can also take on your competitor publicly. Point out
what they are doing and give a blow-by-blow explanation of
how you are beating them. This works especially well if
you are the underdog trying to get attention. A row in the
media can stir up attention and improve sales for everyone.

Website not selling? It's probably the copy. Have Kevin
write your web copy or tweak your existing copy. Reach
him at kevin@drnunley.com. See his affordable writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com.

Success Story: Sell More With Photos

by Kevin Nunley

A while back I wrote a biz-tip on how you can sell more
products and services if you include a photo of what you're

Bruce David wrote with a big "right on!" Ten years ago
Bruce was hired to create a new fundraising letter for a
Catholic charity. The group raises money for scholarships
for a Catholic education. The local Bishop and head Nun
had essentially written the same appeal letter for the
previous ten years resulting in declining contributions.

"What I did was to take a photo of a little girl who had been
awarded a scholarship and had her write a short note (on
school notebook paper) explaining why she was so happy to
have received the scholarship and the benefits of her
education," Bruce said.

"We included the photo and letter with the appeal letter and
more than DOUBLED the amount of contributions that

Website not selling? It's probably the copy. Have Kevin
write your web copy or tweak your existing copy. Reach
him at kevin@drnunley.com. See his affordable writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com.

DrNunley answers! Send questions to mailto:kevin@drnunley.com.

Q: Kevin,

I want to do a follow up e-course series on network marketing
(about 10 ecourse letters) How many words per e-course should it



A: Keith,

I always write somewhere between 300 and 400 words per page.
Each page is a separate lesson in the course. 10 lessons is
great. 7 lessons will also work about as well. See my 7 page
deal at http://drnunley.com/copywriting.htm We've created many
courses for customers. I offered a free course for several years
that built me an email list of 15,000.


Kevin Nunley


THIS is the Networking Business Kevin Nunley has been
working since the 90s. This is a huge, well-known,
extremely stable company that treats its members better
than any I've seen. I joined this program way back
there after writing copy for the other big programs and
getting a really close look at them. If you want
to work an honest, solid business from home, give
my good friend Giles Kavanagh a call 208-676-1055.
He'll answer all your questions and sign you up under
me if you decide to join. The business is cheap to
start and there's never any pressure, selling, or stocking

fabulous FULL-TIME INCOME! This amazing automated opportunity
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THIS PEN is the MOST AMAZING ADVERTISING I've seen in 9 years of
being in the business. People LOVE them! Put YOUR BUSINESS NAME
on THE JAVELIN PEN and watch people guard them, stash them, even
steal them! I'll give you TWO FREE PENS, one for you to try and
another to give to a customer. You'll SEE for yourself how this
incredible advertising works like crazy:

BIG 50-word ad, only $25! LIMITED-TIME SPECIAL: Get a 3-line ad
FREE w/ your ad purchase when you mention this newsletter! HURRY!

A PROFESSIONAL LOGO makes your site more effective instantly.
See the new logo at http://FastAdKing.com
http://www.GotLogos.com/?gl creates all ours and they only charge
$25 per logo! Mention you heard about this from DrNunley when you
order and get a free greyscale version of your logo (great for
ads and business cards) and free backup service.

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031
(603) 249-9519

See you next week!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
All new articles! Forward this issue to a friend.
Subscribe at http://DrNunley.com

FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/

Write Classified Ads That Sell

by Kevin Nunley

I'm a big fan of classified ads. They are the most affordable
kind of advertising and, if used properly, can pull in lots of

Make sure you have a headline. Keep it short. Write it in
ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. I try to make the headline
speak directly to the reader with a twist that is just a tad

ARE YOU SURE you're working the best system?
DON'T GIVE UP trying to save costs. We can help.

These headlines jump out at people when they're scanning
down a list of ads.

Be careful when you use abbreviations. Not everyone will
understand what they mean. I'm embarrassed to say it took
me a long time to figure out SASE means "self-addressed
stamped envelope."

Make your ad sound conversational rather than like a want
ad. You will get better response.

Website not selling? It's probably the copy. Have Kevin
write your web copy or tweak your existing copy. Reach
him at kevin@drnunley.com. See his affordable writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com.

DrNunley's Recommended Links

Jerry West, one of the Net's top Search Engine experts, has
prepared a special video for our readers...where he explains
how to get more sales on your site with search engines. He's
also giving you a big discount on his super hot e-book. See
both at http://drnunley.com/seo.htm

Several of the Net's top business owners swear by this simple
promotion method. I'm using it and it works better than most
other things I've tried, especially for being so easy and free:

Promote With Coupons

by Kevin Nunley

There are many businesses where it is hard to make a sale
without a coupon. A pizza shop owner told me almost all
her customers come in with coupon in hand. Half of all
breakfast cereal sales involve a coupon.

Think of ways you can offer a coupon to your customers.
Offer a discount, a free item with purchase, a
complimentary service, or the chance to buy a product in
very limited supply.

Coupons can be printed in newspapers, distributed from
your counter, printed on the back of your business card, or
included at the bottom of email messages.

Many savvy Internet businesses include a discount offer in
their confirmation email sent after a sale. The offer steps
the buyer up to additional related products and services.
Businesses figure someone who just bought is by far the
most likely type of person to buy again.

I recently used a software firm's attractive confirmation
offer to return and purchase $100 more worth of product.

The point is to get people to save your thing of value
(coupon), remember you, and ultimately be motivated to
choose you over a competitor.

Website not selling? It's probably the copy. Have Kevin
write your web copy or tweak your existing copy. Reach
him at kevin@drnunley.com. See his affordable writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com.

DrNunley answers! Send questions to mailto:kevin@drnunley.com.

Q: Kevin,

I think your site is a great idea. I've got a new product that
I've developed called PointMagic for Kids. Its basically a
complete home system that dramatically improves the behavior of
all kids between the ages of 5 & 15. It consists of an
information & instruction manual as well as Score Board. The
price of the kit is $29.95 & S&H. I don't have a website set up
for this product. I am now at the point of trying to figure out
the best way of marketing this product. I was thinking of doing
classified ads in some Parenting Magazines describing the product
and asking people to mail me a check or Money order.

This is a great Product and we have been using it in my family
for the past 4 Years.

I was wondering if you may have any advice to offer.



A: Cal,

Sounds like you're onto something big! Doing classified ads in
parenting magazines is a fine idea. They're targeted,
affordable, and will bring in good response, but be prepared to
keep your ad going month after month for a while. Also try to
get your own web site going. You could probably get away with a
basic page and your own domain name (which is very cheap these

When I write copy for sites, I can put the copy in HTML at no
additional cost. That way about all you have to do is load the
HTML page up onto your site. I usually do this for clients, even
though it's not mentioned on my site. See my copywriting deals at


Kevin Nunley


THIS is the Networking Business Kevin Nunley has been
working since the 90s. This is a huge, well-known,
extremely stable company that treats its members better
than any I've seen. If you want to work an honest,
solid business from home, give my good friend Giles
Kavanagh a call 208-676-1055.

THIS PEN is the MOST AMAZING ADVERTISING I've seen in 9 years of
being in the business. People LOVE them! Put YOUR BUSINESS NAME
on THE JAVELIN PEN and watch people guard them, stash them, even
steal them! I'll give you TWO FREE PENS, one for you to try and
another to give to a customer. You'll SEE for yourself how this
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Visit http://www.CaseStudiesThatSell.com/ now.

BIG 50-word ad, only $25! LIMITED-TIME SPECIAL: Get a 3-line ad
FREE w/ your ad purchase when you mention this newsletter! HURRY!

A PROFESSIONAL LOGO makes your site more effective instantly.
See the new logo at http://FastAdKing.com
http://www.GotLogos.com/?gl creates all ours and they only charge
$25 per logo! Mention you heard about this from DrNunley when you
order and get a free greyscale version of your logo (great for
ads and business cards) and free backup service.

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031
(603) 249-9519

See you next week!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
 All new articles! Forward this issue to a friend.
Subscribe at http://DrNunley.com

FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/

Promote Your Site Offline

by Kevin Nunley

With the easy ad money of the Dot-Com rage fading, offline
media are having to look harder for revenue. You can get
some good deals.

This is a great time to advertise your web site with offline
media. Run a small display ad or classified ad on a
consistent basis in your local paper. Go nationwide and
repeat your ad in cities rich with the kids of people who
would buy from you.

Look for good deals on television ads in smaller towns, in
morning newscasts, and on cable. Radio can also give you
great deals on somewhat targeted audiences.

For both radio and TV, it helps if your URL is short and
easy to remember. Repeat it several times in the
commercial, especially at the end. Give the listener or
viewer a god reason to look your site up NOW before they
forget the URL.

Get Kevin's affordable Press Release Deal at
http://DrNunley.com/release.htm I write your release,
then give you links to services that will send your release
around the world for free. Reach Kevin at kevin@drnunley.com

Get Better Search Engine Positioning With Links

by Kevin Nunley

Search engines often rate sites according to their popularity.
They do it by counting the number of links to your site
across the Internet.

Most of us immediately think of FFA programs and link software
to improve link popularity, but many search engines discount
them and, frankly, dealing with FFA's is often too much hassle,

Get your link on other peoples' web sites by writing short
articles or tips that include your URL at the end. Many
sites looking for content will use them. Type Kevin Nunley
into any search engine and watch the number of pages that
come up--all from this method.

Provide testimonials to other sites with your URL at the

Put up additional sites--easy with the availability of $15
domains--and include links to your main site. You can even
do this with free sites.

Begin your own affiliate program that encourages other
sites to link to yours. It is relatively easy to get several
hundred affiliates over a few months, all with links to your
site. Register your affiliates with search engines just in case
they forgot or don't know how.

Get Kevin's affordable Press Release Deal at
http://DrNunley.com/release.htm I write your release,
then give you links to services that will send your release
around the world for free. Reach Kevin at kevin@drnunley.com

DrNunley answers! Send questions to mailto:kevin@drnunley.com.

Q: Kevin,

Do adding meta tags still work to help people find your site in
search engines?



A: Derrick,

The description tag can be especially useful. It's used by a
number of search engines as the description they list for your
site. Rather than using the description to get a higher ranking,
use it as a sales tool to get people to click on your link.

Jerry West, one of the Net's top search engine experts, discusses
this in a video he recently produced for us. See that free at


Kevin Nunley


THIS is the Networking Business Kevin Nunley has been
working since the 90s. This is a huge, well-known,
extremely stable company that treats its members better
than any I've seen. If you want to work an honest,
solid business from home, give my good friend
Giles Kavanagh a call 208-676-1055.

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news, photos, display ads and banners, blog, searchable archives,
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local papers, churches, consultants, or anyone who has
information to share. Highly affordable. BUY NOW and receive a
free ad package worth $1,800. http;//www.PublishANewspaper.com

** Add $75,000 a year or more to your copywriting income **
Create a new profitable copywriting niche for yourself today
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to Write Case Studies That Sell" is the *only* course that shows
copywriters how to break into this valuable niche market. The 9-
lesson course includes a Case Study Critiques audio program and a
bonus program, "Getting Started with Video Case Studies."
Visit http://www.CaseStudiesThatSell.com/ now.

THIS PEN is the MOST AMAZING ADVERTISING I've seen in 9 years of
being in the business. People LOVE them! Put YOUR BUSINESS NAME
on THE JAVELIN PEN and watch people guard them, stash them, even
steal them! I'll give you TWO FREE PENS, one for you to try and
another to give to a customer. You'll SEE for yourself how this
incredible advertising works like crazy:

BIG 50-word ad, only $25! LIMITED-TIME SPECIAL: Get a 3-line ad
FREE w/ your ad purchase when you mention this newsletter! HURRY!

A PROFESSIONAL LOGO makes your site more effective instantly.
See the new logo at http://FastAdKing.com
http://www.GotLogos.com/?gl creates all ours and they only charge
$25 per logo! Mention you heard about this from DrNunley when you
order and get a free greyscale version of your logo (great for
ads and business cards) and free backup service.

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031
(603) 249-9519

See you next week!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
 All new articles! Forward this issue to a friend.
Subscribe at http://DrNunley.com

FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/

Make Your Web Site Deeper

by Kevin Nunley

Nielsen, the famous media ratings company, recently told
us there has been a big change in the way people browse
the Net.

In recent months people are surfing far fewer sites, but
spending a lot more time on the sites they visit. You may
have noticed this change in your own Internet use. I've
seen it in mine.

Instead of finding big lists of web sites and hopping from
one to another, I have a small list of favorites I visit often
and explore extensively.

This may mean you need to design your web site in a
different way. Add more content, more levels, and with
additional detail. If someone wants to spend 20 minutes on
your site, is there enough to keep them busy?

Frankly, this change in how customers use the web can be a
very good thing. It is hard to make a sale when people are
intent on getting to the next site. More time spent on your
site means more of a commitment to buy.

It also means fewer sales abandoned at the shopping cart.
Prospects don't want to walk away empty-handed after
spending a big chunk of their valuable time studying your

Promote BIG with Kevin's All-Out Marketing Package. For one
affordable price you get a press release with national media
distribution, your own article sent to 20,000 ezines, ezine ads,
and a page of expert sales copy for email or your web site.
We write it all fresh from scratch! http://drnunley.com/123.htm
Reach Kevin at mailto:kevin@drnunley.com
DrNunley's Recommended Links

Jerry West, one of the Net's top Search Engine experts, has
prepared a special video for our readers...where he explains
how to get more sales on your site with search engines. He's
also giving you a big discount on his super hot e-book. See
both at http://drnunley.com/seo.htm

Several of the Net's top business owners swear by this simple
promotion method. I'm using it and it works better than most
other things I've tried, especially for being so easy and free:

Throw Caution to the Wind

by Kevin Nunley

Ever buy something only to find out you can't use it, can't
return it, and are stuck paying for it? That's a fear that often
underlies our purchases. You can bet the doubt of "not being able
to use it" follows your customers around as well.

When a prospect thinks about buying from you, then backs away
without making a purchase, the doubt factor is often the reason.

Your sales efforts and marketing materials can put doubts to

* Offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee. This is much easier
to do with products than when selling services. If customers can
return the product in resellable condition, offer them a healthy
money-back guarantee: two weeks, one month, one year. You'll get
a few returns, but almost every customer will be put at ease by
your "no risk" policy.

* Give prospects a free sample or trial period. Let them try
your product or service to make sure they can use it. Often just
knowing the trial is available will make customers more
comfortable placing an order.

* Provide a demonstration. I often give people a few tips on how
to improve their web site or sales copy. This gives them a quick
demonstration of what I can do for them. Many soon return to
place an order.

* Offer to fix the product or service if problems arise. This is
especially important if you sell something that is widely thought
to have a lot of problems. In the end you may end up making more
money from providing the repair service than from selling the
original item.

Kevin Nunley writes sizzling sales letters, web site copy, and
press releases that get attention. See all his promotion deals at
http://DrNunley.com Reach him at kevin@drnunley.com

DrNunley answers! Send questions to mailto:kevin@drnunley.com.

Q: Kevin,

Can you still effectively promote and earn from an affiliate or
referral website?



A: Mark,

It doesn't matter if your site is an affiliate or referral site.
We've promoted thousands of them and everybody takes the
affiliate site seriously.

Let me know if you have more questions.


Kevin Nunley


THIS is the Networking Business Kevin Nunley has been
working since the 90s. This is a huge, well-known,
extremely stable company that treats its members better
than any I've seen. If you want to work an honest,
solid business from home, give my good friend
Giles Kavanagh a call 208-676-1055.

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and more! Full-featured automated Classified Ad system lets your
customers place ads and send YOU the money. Perfect for ezines,
local papers, churches, consultants, or anyone who has
information to share. Highly affordable. BUY NOW and receive a
free ad package worth $1,800. http;//www.PublishANewspaper.com

THIS PEN is the MOST AMAZING ADVERTISING I've seen in 9 years of
being in the business. People LOVE them! Put YOUR BUSINESS NAME
on THE JAVELIN PEN and watch people guard them, stash them, even
steal them! I'll give you TWO FREE PENS, one for you to try and
another to give to a customer. You'll SEE for yourself how this
incredible advertising works like crazy:

BIG 50-word ad, only $25! LIMITED-TIME SPECIAL: Get a 3-line ad
FREE w/ your ad purchase when you mention this newsletter! HURRY!

A PROFESSIONAL LOGO makes your site more effective instantly.
See the new logo at http://FastAdKing.com
http://www.GotLogos.com/?gl creates all ours and they only charge
$25 per logo! Mention you heard about this from DrNunley when you
order and get a free greyscale version of your logo (great for
ads and business cards) and free backup service.

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031
(603) 249-9519

See you next week!

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