DrNunley's Marketing Tips ezine
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/
Tell About Your Failure

by Kevin Nunley

Who here can tell a story about how they tried and failed--
sometimes many times--before finally succeeding? Most of us have
stories like this. Your success story is one of the most powerful
marketing tools around.

Your success story doesn't have to be a big one, just a success
that average people can identify with. It could be about a
problem that dogged your business or workplace.

After a long search, you found a solution for the problem.

Especially on the Internet, "rags to riches" stories play
extremely well. Internet expert Jim Daniels is widely known for
the story of how he went from a frustrated middle manger to an
Internet mogul.

People identify with his early failed attempts at starting his
own business. They are encouraged by how he triumphed to earn a
good living online.

Customers and prospects love and remember these stories.

Tell your story in a bio, press release, or an "our story" page.
Show how you started with difficult odds, worked hard, took your
ups and downs, and finally achieved success.

Kevin Nunley has been the top writer of sales letters,
web site copy, press releases, and ads since 1996. His
talent and experience gets YOU results! Order his affordable
writing and promotion deals at http://DrNunley.com

See Kevin's dramatically LOWER prices and Expanded Options:

- Ads and short copy for your every need: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm
- Press release with distribution to media: http://drnunley.com/release.htm
- Sales Letter and Web Copy: http://drnunley.com/copywriting.htm
- Your own article with distribution: http://drnunley.com/copy.htm

Kevin's famous All-Out Promotion Package is BACK with a new
LOW Price: http://DrNunley.com/123.htm
Copyright Rules: Using Other Peoples' Stuff Without Getting Into

by Kevin Nunley

I get a lot of questions about copyright law. I'm not an
attorney, so you'll have to take my information as general rules
of thumb designed for your entertainment (disclaimers usually go
something like that).

Copyright is designed to make sure the person who creates a form
of expression gets to keep the money that is earned selling it.
Articles, poems, speeches, and guitar licks can all be covered
under copyright law.

You don't have to register your work with the Copyright Office
(although that helps) and you don't have to put the "c" notice at
the bottom of your stuff (although that helps, too). If you can
show you created it, anybody who sells your work without your
permission has some answering to do.

Simply giving the creator credit isn't good enough. You have to
get their permission before making money off their work.

As a general rule, we have pretty relaxed copyright standards on
the Internet. I let anyone use my stuff for just about any
purpose as long as they don't tell people THEY wrote it.

See Kevin's affordable promotion packages and business writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com. From ezine advertising, to a press
release, to web copy that sells, get what you need fast.

Your ad here for just $25! I take PayPal at the address on
my site, then send your ad to me... or I'll write your ad for
just $14 more. Get it at: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm

GET PUBLISHED - FAST. Breakthrough Free Report reveals self
publishing secrets and tips. You'll discover: Tricks to "speed
write" your book. The 3 essentials you need to produce and
distribute your book. The one promotion resource every self
publisher must have. And more! For your FREE copy, visit

GET YOUR SHARE of the $160 BILLON Cell Phone Industry!
This is the hottest, most profitable Residual Income opportunity
in history. We've teamed up with one of the fastest growing
wireless services in the country. Use our FULLY AUTOMATED selling
system to earn HUGE non-stop checks like clockwork.
Learn more and GET STARTED: http://www.CellPhonesMakeYouMoney.com

Real Way to EARN $100,000 Per Year!
Writing tiny special reports people buy and download like crazy.
Complete how-to instructions make it EASY in my 82 page ebook.
Teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to MAKE MONEY NOW! Short
reports are the backbone of the Internet. Now YOU can profit:

An AFFORDABLE way to get your message out! Don't let a troubled
economy get YOUR business in trouble. Advertise wisely with a
50-word ad. I write it, you use it however you like! Home of
the $25 ad! http://www.FastAdKing.com

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031

See you next week!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/
Start Your Empire--In a Day

by Kevin Nunley

The great thing about the Internet is one person can come up with
a great idea, put it on the Internet, and start earning money--
all in a day.

Granted, not all of us who try do it so quickly (my Internet biz
took a year to earn our first dollar). But you have to admit the
ability to use the Internet--a major mass media--for almost no
money, is a tremendous opportunity.

Let's say you aren't an expert in html and don't particularly
feel the need to do it all yourself. Here's my recommendation for
getting on-line fast and easy.

Spend a few bucks to get your own .com address. It's the easiest
kind of address for customers to remember. Sign up with one of
the e-commerce providers that gives you a browser-based design
system. All you have to do is type in your headlines, copy and
paste in your text, and pull up some graphics to enhance your
products and services.

Get business going fast by placing some e-zine ads. Pick e-zines
that have interesting content. Boring 'zines don't pull well.

Register with search engines. Usually you can simply get on
Google and all the others will find you. If you can't find the
spot on Google to register your URL, search for your site several
times each day. Google will usually catch the hint and list your
site. Put a free ad on Craigslist. Google lists all Craiglist
changes fast.

You can often expect significant numbers of visitors to find you
through search engines, outperforming most other forms of

For a busy person trying to get up and running on the Net fast
and cheap, it's hard to beat these simple steps.

Kevin Nunley has been the top writer of sales letters,
web site copy, press releases, and ads since 1996. His
talent and experience gets YOU results! Order his affordable
writing and promotion deals at http://DrNunley.com

See Kevin's dramatically LOWER prices and Expanded Options:

- Ads and short copy for your every need: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm
- Press release with distribution to media: http://drnunley.com/release.htm
- Sales Letter and Web Copy: http://drnunley.com/copywriting.htm
- Your own article with distribution: http://drnunley.com/copy.htm

Kevin's famous All-Out Promotion Package is BACK with a new
LOW Price: http://DrNunley.com/123.htm
What's The Next Big Marketing Trend?

by Kevin Nunley

There are now millions of women whose incomes have been going up,
up, up in recent years. These are women who are intelligent,
capable, independent, and tired of (mostly) men treating them
like they don't know what they're doing.

Women in this group often complain they can't shop for paint,
cars, or computers without a sales person thinking they need a
baby explanation of the product.

This group has a clear preference for businesses that recognizes
the customer knows what she wants.

Watch for advertising and marketing to play hard to this
audience. With Internet audiences now more than 50% women, this
strategy should be a strong approach online.

See Kevin's affordable promotion packages and business writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com. From ezine advertising, to a press
release, to web copy that sells, get what you need fast.

Your ad here for just $25! I take PayPal at the address on
my site, then send your ad to me... or I'll write your ad for
just $14 more. Get it at: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm

GET PUBLISHED - FAST. Breakthrough Free Report reveals self
publishing secrets and tips. You'll discover: Tricks to "speed
write" your book. The 3 essentials you need to produce and
distribute your book. The one promotion resource every self
publisher must have. And more! For your FREE copy, visit

GET YOUR SHARE of the $160 BILLON Cell Phone Industry!
This is the hottest, most profitable Residual Income opportunity
in history. We've teamed up with one of the fastest growing
wireless services in the country. Use our FULLY AUTOMATED selling
system to earn HUGE non-stop checks like clockwork.
Learn more and GET STARTED: http://www.CellPhonesMakeYouMoney.com

Real Way to EARN $100,000 Per Year!
Writing tiny special reports people buy and download like crazy.
Complete how-to instructions make it EASY in my 82 page ebook.
Teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to MAKE MONEY NOW! Short
reports are the backbone of the Internet. Now YOU can profit:

An AFFORDABLE way to get your message out! Don't let a troubled
economy get YOUR business in trouble. Advertise wisely with a
50-word ad. I write it, you use it however you like! Home of
the $25 ad! http://www.FastAdKing.com

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031

See you next week!

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/
Put Your Bio On Your Web Site

by Kevin Nunley

Entertainers and authors always carry around a bio. They can hand
it to a customer, supplier, or media manager. It's a quick way to
get their story across to people who can help them.

Your web site should include your bio. Start out by telling how
you got into the business you're in. Be sure to tell WHY you do
what you do and what values, pleasures, and challenges make you
continue in the business.

But most of the copy shouldn't be about you. Tell people how you
help customers. Talk about the successes your customers have had.
Quote your philosophy on how everyone needs the BENEFITS your
product or service gives customers. This is the kind of story
your customers and prospects can get into.

Be sure to include your contact info. The Net is crawling with
reporters and editors who are looking for stories to use in
everything from one-person e-zines to major news weeklies with
readers in the millions. Your story might be just what they need
to finish off an article.

Kevin Nunley has been the top writer of sales letters,
web site copy, press releases, and ads since 1996. His
talent and experience gets YOU results! Order his affordable
writing and promotion deals at http://DrNunley.com

See Kevin's dramatically LOWER prices and Expanded Options:

- Ads and short copy for your every need: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm
- Press release with distribution to media: http://drnunley.com/release.htm
- Sales Letter and Web Copy: http://drnunley.com/copywriting.htm
- Your own article with distribution: http://drnunley.com/copy.htm

Kevin's famous All-Out Promotion Package is BACK with a new
LOW Price: http://DrNunley.com/123.htm
Watch For Problems

by Kevin Nunley

For years I had a little spot at the top of my web site that said
"Ask Kevin a Question...Read answers to questions."

People send me lots of problems. They explain their problem, then
kindly ask me for an answer. I don't always know the answer, but
I sure do get a grip on what issues are common problems.

You probably hear customer problems all day, too. For every
problem there is a customer who will pay for you to solve that
problem. You may solve it with a service, a recommendation, or a

When you have people consistently coming to you with the same
problem, you've got a terrific source to build a new profit
stream. Don't think that somebody is already selling solutions
for all the world's great problems.

Think a minute or two about the big stumpers in your biz and
you'll likely discover several annoyances that nobody seems to be
working on.

People in my town love ice cream like few other places (it comes
up in survey after survey), but we have very few places to buy a
great ice cream cone. We have a dozen book stores, but all of
them are on the same side of town.

Each block has a half dozen businesses that would love to be on
the Internet, but don't have anyone to tell them how.

See Kevin's affordable promotion packages and business writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com. From ezine advertising, to a press
release, to web copy that sells, get what you need fast.

Your ad here for just $25! I take PayPal at the address on
my site, then send your ad to me... or I'll write your ad for
just $14 more. Get it at: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm

GET PUBLISHED - FAST. Breakthrough Free Report reveals self
publishing secrets and tips. You'll discover: Tricks to "speed
write" your book. The 3 essentials you need to produce and
distribute your book. The one promotion resource every self
publisher must have. And more! For your FREE copy, visit

GET YOUR SHARE of the $160 BILLON Cell Phone Industry!
This is the hottest, most profitable Residual Income opportunity
in history. We've teamed up with one of the fastest growing
wireless services in the country. Use our FULLY AUTOMATED selling
system to earn HUGE non-stop checks like clockwork.
Learn more and GET STARTED: http://www.CellPhonesMakeYouMoney.com

Real Way to EARN $100,000 Per Year!
Writing tiny special reports people buy and download like crazy.
Complete how-to instructions make it EASY in my 82 page ebook.
Teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to MAKE MONEY NOW! Short
reports are the backbone of the Internet. Now YOU can profit:

An AFFORDABLE way to get your message out! Don't let a troubled
economy get YOUR business in trouble. Advertise wisely with a
50-word ad. I write it, you use it however you like! Home of
the $25 ad! http://www.FastAdKing.com

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031

See you next week!

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Thursday, September 01, 2011
FREE weekly wisdom to fatten your profits!

Filtering your email? Be sure to put us on your approved list.
Read this ezine online at http://drnunley.blogspot.com/
Add Flexibility

by Kevin Nunley

Some of the most effective marketing in recent years has been
offering flexibility. The business that can give customers some
choice often gets the most business.

Take the computer industry's trend of offering customers a way to
build their own computers. This has become so popular with
consumers that even chain computer retailers have an area where
you can buy a computer made-to-order.

Try offering several different versions of your product or
service. This helps customers feel you're offering them choice.
You might also make customers understand that you will alter the
way you do the project, customizing it to their needs.

Many times offering different versions of a product or service
lets you sell to all the people who used to think it wasn't quite
right for them. Offering a bit of choice lets them feel they can
have it customized to be what they need.

Your sales can take a sudden leap when your flexibility allows
you to address their needs.

Kevin Nunley has been the top writer of sales letters,
web site copy, press releases, and ads since 1996. His
talent and experience gets YOU results! Order his affordable
writing and promotion deals at http://DrNunley.com

See Kevin's dramatically LOWER prices and Expanded Options:

- Ads and short copy for your every need: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm
- Press release with distribution to media: http://drnunley.com/release.htm
- Sales Letter and Web Copy: http://drnunley.com/copywriting.htm
- Your own article with distribution: http://drnunley.com/copy.htm

Kevin's famous All-Out Promotion Package is BACK with a new
LOW Price: http://DrNunley.com/123.htm
Familiarity Breeds Contempt--Except in Marketing

by Kevin Nunley

You know the old saying "familiarity breeds contempt." In today's
world you could take it to mean that people only like things that
are fresh and new.

Marketers know that isn't quite the case. Most people buy what
they know and trust. Consistent marketing builds familiarity.
Familiarity builds confidence. Customers who are confident in you
buy from you.

There's an old saying in media that when the media staff is sick
of a program, the audience is just becoming aware of it. The
media staff has to get far beyond "sick of it" before the program
starts to be popular with the audience.

Your marketing works the same way. Run your ads and do your
marketing long after you and your staff are sick of them.
Consistency builds familiarity and familiarity brings sales.

See Kevin's affordable promotion packages and business writing
deals at http://DrNunley.com. From ezine advertising, to a press
release, to web copy that sells, get what you need fast.

Your ad here for just $25! I take PayPal at the address on
my site, then send your ad to me... or I'll write your ad for
just $14 more. Get it at: http://drnunley.com/drnad.htm

GET YOUR SHARE of the $160 BILLON Cell Phone Industry!
This is the hottest, most profitable Residual Income opportunity
in history. We've teamed up with one of the fastest growing
wireless services in the country. Use our FULLY AUTOMATED selling
system to earn HUGE non-stop checks like clockwork.
Learn more and GET STARTED: http://www.CellPhonesMakeYouMoney.com

Real Way to EARN $100,000 Per Year!
Writing tiny special reports people buy and download like crazy.
Complete how-to instructions make it EASY in my 82 page ebook.
Teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to MAKE MONEY NOW! Short
reports are the backbone of the Internet. Now YOU can profit:

Create a FREE custom toolbar or app for your website!

An AFFORDABLE way to get your message out! Don't let a troubled
economy get YOUR business in trouble. Advertise wisely with a
50-word ad. I write it, you use it however you like! Home of
the $25 ad! http://www.FastAdKing.com

This newsletter is sent weekly ONLY to those who have asked for
it (readers, friends, clients, and a few competitors).

We're at:
54 Ponemah Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031

See you next week!

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